So our streak was broken - another dinnertime cut short by Alex and his puking. I just dont get it -WHY is this happening? I am so frustrated and sad and worried that something is really wrong with him. Do I have a bulemic child? Is that possible? Is this the Crohn's rearing its head higher up in his digestive tract? Is there something going on at daycare that is making him this way? And then once again my MIL throws in that hubby threw up 3x per week until he was 3! WONDERFUL - and when asked why? she has no recollection. Was it the force feeding? Was something wrong? Milk allergy? HELP! And to top things off he wakes up at 430-5 starving!
Another blogger friend just posted something similar and it turned out her LO has a milk allergy. He was throwing up as he was taking his bottle and he also had explosive poop and skin rashes. Maybe that could be the problem for you guys, too? Hope you figure something out soon!